In addition to tasting delicious watermelons have some great health benefits. I found these seven nutrition facts.
- They are ideal for health, as they do not contain any fat or cholesterol but are high in fiber content and water. The fiber content in watermelon scrubs out toxins from your system leaving your skin healthy and glowing. It serves as a natural enhancer of the digestion system of the human body. ·
- Watermelons are rich in a phyto nutrient called Lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. Lycopene – the red pigment that is also present in tomatoes. Lycopene in the diet neutralizes free radicals in the system and reduces incidence of certain types of cancer especially prostate cancer, breast, lung and cancer of the uterus. Lycopene is also linked with reduced risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack).
- Oranges are not only the fruit that is rich in Vitamin C but also watermelons that have abundance of vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and fights against sickness and diseases. Vitamin C in watermelons is also known to alleviate medical conditions like cataract. So go cool, eat watermelons and boost your immune system right away. Stay away from sickness and disease the cool watermelon way. It doesn’t matter whether you cut, slice or juice watermelons but when nutrition matters, watermelons are number one !
- Watermelon is robust in vitamin A, which fights off infections. Watermelon has a healing effect on inflammatory conditions of asthma, arthritis, colon cancer, diabetes and arteriosclerosis. There is good news for diabetics; you can enjoy watermelons to the core!
- Watermelon contains citrulline, an amino acid compound, which helps flush out the kidneys and serves as an excellent detox agent.
- Watermelon is a rich source of potassium*, a mineral indispensable for water balance in every cell. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle cramps. The potassium in watermelons help control blood pressure, diminish the risk of developing kidney stones, osteoporosis and also regulates heart beat.
- The beta-carotene present in watermelon helps keeps your vision sharp, especially at night. Researchers believe that beta-carotene and vitamin C are capable of preventing heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions.
Though it is great fresh, watermelon also is great in soups, salads, and salsas...Here is a recipe for a great summer soup with water melon as the main ingredient
Watermelon Gazpacho
Hope to see everyone at the market this week
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