Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Feeling Lucky?!

City Greens is kicking off a contest!!! 

Windcrest's six Greek Yogurt flavors at City Greens

For almost a year now, the farmers at Windcrest Diary have been supporting City Greens Market by supplying us with fresh, local, and delicious(!) yogurt.  Farmer Kurt Bizenberger and his family hail from Trenton, Illinois, where they have been milking cows for generations.  Many of our shoppers regularly display their love of Windcrest Diary yogurt by purchasing it at our market.  

Well, City Greeners, there's a new way to show off how much you love the best yogurt in the land!  After a visit to the farm in Trenton, the City Greens Team has been inspired to raffle off a Windcrest Dairy t-shirt! The t-shirt image (pictured to the right) is a blown-up image of a 24 ounce yogurt lid - of course with Nestle the cow's picture! 

Here's how to enter: 
Receive one entry for every 5 points you turn in. 
To receive points, bring your Windcrest yogurt lids to City Greens when you come to shop. 
6 ounce lid = 1 point                  24 ounce lid = 5 points

The best part is, if we reach 100 total points, we will repeat this contest in June! 

So get to eating that yogurt, City Greeners!  YUM! 


  1. I love this! Not too long ago, my family and I took a road trip to WIndcrest Dairy to meet Kurt and "his gals". It was a terrific time! Kurt is so gracious and welcomes anyone that wants to visit. Here is a link to the post about our trip:

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth! Kurt is one of City Greens' favorite farmers, and we encourage all fans of Windcrest Yogurt to go out to Trenton, IL to visit the farm. Glad to know you and your family enjoyed your visit so much!
